Saturday, June 20, 2009


How difficult is it to go about achieving something? A little? A lot? I would think very. And the difficulty usually doesn't lie in the physicality of the task to be achieved (or intellectuality in cases where there is no physicality required) but usually in the emotional and mental preparation. The majority of which is due to the different kind of people around us. I know this is beginning to sound really generic - but think about it. Take any task you may have ever wanted to do/achieve. Losing weight. Learning a new game/sport. Picking up a new process at work. Getting married to whom you want to. Cooking. Taking an exam. Buying that shirt/dress you want to. Going to a movie.

Standalone I doubt if any of these tasks really are difficult to achieve. Some are downright easy. Some require some effort. And others like losing weight require a hell lot of effort! The tasks always vary in the nature of their requirement from us as individuals. But what really is common to all of them most of the time is that we hardly take a real true 'individualistic' decision. Losing weight - agreed, we do it for ourselves. But also mostly for someone else. Or if nothing else, from all tat peer pressure and the way society looks at overweight individuals. Learning a new game/sport - you learn it in a batch usually from someone really experienced usually. But why this task becomes difficult is bcos there are others who pick it up quicker. Or the coach expects you to learn it with the flow. But what if you are one of those who take a really long while to 'get it'? Does that mean you should give up learning it jus bcos you cant keep up with the batch or the coach cant really afford to give you extra time? Cooking - we always keep thinking of how this will eventually end up being liked. Is the salt alrite? Is it too spicy? I hope they like it?

My point is this. You need to be really really motivated to get to where you want to. The task itself is never such a barrier or roadblock as much as the people on the way to achieving it are. Now dont get me wrong. This is not to label all humans as inhumans! There would always be those who would stick up for you, support you, counsel you no matter what. The biggest and best amongst these would be your parents. But there would also always be a lot of them who will try and make you believe that you cant really get there. Thats when you need to really kill the urge to retaliate right then and instead maintain a kind of stoic calm. And thats where you would require all the patience and courage in the world. And thats what would be the difficult aspect of the task that you would need to clear.

Most human beings are insecure by nature. And insecure not in every sense or activity. But in those that they themselves dont excel in. Or sometimes they may excel in, but may fear that someone may be 'better' than them. It is really really funny. But even amongst friends this is pretty common. For example - you want to lose that weight. There would be times when they would stand by you. But there would also be equal number of times, when they would be vivid in their description on why its difficult for you to achieve. Or who may taunt you cos you ended up missing your morning walk twenty times out of thirty. They will never ever stand up and appreciate you for the ten days that you did. Or even apart from friends, there would be people(colleagues, neighbours, etc.) who would smirk at how you are always 'wanting' to lose weight. Or are always 'going to launch a succesful business' this time around. Or are still waiting 'for the right person' to get married to.

Think about it - why should you give a damn to these people? Let it be anybody. Friends. Family. Neighbours. Colleagues. ANYBODY. Who understands you better than you yourself? And by taking them seriously, who stands to be vindicated? If you take their comments seriously, it would just hurt you and may make you lose whatever little bit of inner strength may be left in you. And if you give up on the task, it is these kind of people who stand vindicated. And who would come back to you and tell you - "see I told you so".

The thing is we got to figure out for ourselves whose comments are really worth listening to and whose are not. You may not be regular at the task you have set out on. You WILL fall. But what you should never do is to STOP TRYING. B'cos the minute you stop trying, it means giving up and accepting what others have just been saying all along. To which there are two aspects - analyse it realistically and accept that there was truth to what was being said and that this is really not your cup of tea and move on. Or analyse and see if you can really gather strength to still achieve this goal of yours? And even if there is a glimmer of chance that you can still achieve this, then I would say GO FOR IT. It is worth a try atleast.

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