Sunday, January 4, 2009

Musings Over A Hot Cup Of Tea...

Its been a pretty ordinary day. And in a way I am glad. Have really not been able to enjoy a quiet nice weekend for a while now. So I did exactly that today. Read a book, arranged stuff that was strewn around my home, joined a gym (finally!!!), spoke to some friends, saw some TV and caught a nice lil' nap in between. Sometimes the mundane is what is interesting.

I am an absolute tea lover. A Crazy one. Not the kinds who has about fifteen cups a day. Nope. In fact I have only about two and on absolutely select few days three. But I am the kind of tea lover who dreams about it when I dont get it. Who cooks up various occassions and situations that would call for a tea. Who loves having random conversations while having a cup of tea in the hand. Who looks for the flimsiest of excuses to persuade others to join him for a cup. And whose thinking starts getting better after that cup of tea. I have tended to notice that some of the best thoughts usually come about in two situations - (a) when one is in the loo and (b) while having tea (coffee for some). Now I really didnt want my blog url to read 'musingswhilesittingoverapotofcrap' ;) And the rest I hope will be worthy of history!

My profile name reads Howard Roark. Now anyone familiar with Ayn Rand would know instantly that that is in fact the name of the protagonist of probably her most popular and accomplished work 'The Fountainhead'. It was a book that absolutely bowled me over when I first read it. It was a really lengthy read. But absolutely worth it. The protagonist is someone who believes that there is nothing wrong in putting ones desire first and then looking after the needs of others. Though the society usually looks at anyone who does things for personal benefit a little scathingly, for Howard Roark it doesnt matter. He chooses his own path to reach where he wants to in life. Does not listen to people around him at all. And his character is juxtaposed against several others who take a conventional path or who give in to a life dedicated to serving the society or others who are after power. Its an absolute must read for anyone who likes reading intelligent fiction. A book that makes you think. So is that the reason I chose this name? 'Cos I loved this character or somewhere relate to him or want to be like him or am probably already him? Nope. None of that. I just like the name :) Its a character that I wont easily forget probably 'cos I rate the book so highly. But the sound of the name is pretty good and kinda neutral. So I chose that name.

There are pros and then there are cons to anything. By choosing to remain anonymous, I may be missing out on a few things like getting the reactions of people I know pretty well and who may read my blog. But thats the whole idea. Like discussed in my last post, I really dont want whoever may be reading my blog (whether known or unknown to me) to know it is me here 'cos it may then influence what I write and how I write. The minute I know someone known to me who knows its my blog is reading this, it would just put a constraint on the way I would write here. And I say this after experiencing the exact same thing when I had blogged the last time around. Its something usually authors face too. It is believed that most of the 'first book' of any author is usually part autobiographical. I have seen many deny that. But I think there is some truth to that. Any fiction book that an author usually writes would undeniably have certain experiences of the author input across various pages. And if not personal experiences, then definitely how the author would usually react/behave in certain situations. 'Cos at the end of the day the way a fiction book progresses is nothing but the way an author chooses his characters reaction and situations.

I guess I have rambled enough for a night. Need to hit the bed now 'cos my eyes are getting all droopy!

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